Our Services

To begin, begin.
— William Wordsworth

Initial consultation and assessment

We will begin with an assessment to determine the best course of action to meet your treatment goals. An assessment involves meeting with you, and anyone else involved in your therapy, like a parent, or a spouse.

Individual Therapy

We provide therapy with individuals across the lifespan, ages 5 through 105. Using a variety of tools from evidence-based therapeutic approaches, we create individualized treatment plans with each client to achieve their therapeutic goals.

Family Therapy

The Balanced Center recognizes family units of all kinds and is experienced in supporting the whole family in its journey toward wellness. We begin with an intake including any family members participating in therapy to determine common objectives.


The Balanced Center therapists are currently meeting with clients in office, as well as offering telehealth therapy from the comfort of your own home. Telehealth is conducted through a HIPAA-compliant platform with a link unique to you. We can explore which is the best mode of treatment for you.